Thursday, November 7, 2013

November General Meeting & Newsletter Editor Needed

The next General Meeting for the Edmonds Salmon Chapter of Trout Unlimited will be November 20th at 7:00 PM at the Edmonds Senior Center. We will be showing the video "Where the Yellowstone Goes" and we can promise that the previous issues have been resolved and the video will air in it's entirety. Again we apologize for the problems at the last meeting and hope you will attend for this very entertaining video.
We will also be holding elections for the 2014 Board of Directors. If there are any members who would like to nominate another member or themselves for the Board please attend and make your wishes known.
The Board of Directors has also authorized the hiring of a Newsletter editor to write and assemble a quarterly Newsletter for our Chapter. The preference would be to find a member that has the experience and understanding for this type of work to be hired. If you have this type of experience and are interested in find out more about it, contact Gary McConaghy @ 206-354-0877 or email:

Monday, September 16, 2013

Sept 25th General Meeting and Movie Showing

We will be showing a special presentation of “Where the Yellowstone Goes” described below as well as have some of our members give tips and tricks to catching your limit in the waters in front of Edmonds. We hope you’ll be able to join us for this event starting at 7:00 PM at the Edmonds Senior Center, 220 Railroad Ave. Edmonds

Feel free to bring along a guest who might enjoy seeing this film.
Where the Yellowstone Goes follows a 30-day drift boat journey down the longest undammed river in the contiguous United States. Intimate portraits of locals in both booming cities and dusty, dwindling towns along the Yellowstone River, illustrate the history and controversies surrounding this enigmatic watershed leading to questions about its future. Connect with colorful characters, get lost in the hypnotic cast of a fly rod, and experience silhouetted moments of fireside stories on this heartfelt river adventure.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Report on Salmon and habitat education from Walter Thompson

The report below is from Walter Thompson, who does a remarkable job taking on the education portion of our mission, as well as being the Hatchery Manager. Thanks Walter for another successful year:
This year we had 11 classes come to the hatchery from 3 different elementary schools. That pencils out to about 275 students. We also out planted Coho fry with 2 other elementary classes to North Creek. Additionally, nine 7th grade science classes at Canyon Park Jr High planted our Coho into their small stream on school property that runs into North Creek. So if you add it all up, plus the kids that help us at John Solbergs place--a couple hundred--and the kids that came to the open house to fish for trout and feed the Coho and Tom Hall's Parks and Rec's Kids fishing Class, I think we did extremely well in the area of educating and introducing the younger generation to the Pacific Salmon and to their importance to our region as well as to our planet. Thanks to all of you who helped make this happen this year: the feeders, the helpers at the kids' classes, the crew that moves the fish, and everyone who shows up when I send out the help messages. I really appreciate the support. Thanks again. Walt Thompson

No General Meeting this month....July BBQ

The Board of Directors has decided to combine the June General Meeting with our planned August BBQ and Auction into a single event, The Edmonds Salmon Chapter Summer BBQ. This will take place on Wednesday night July 24th at 6:00 PM at the Hatchery. We will make hamburgers, chicken burgers and hot dogs and have salads and as a special treat some smoke salmon. There will not be a cost for members and would like to see as many of you come as possible. We will also have a small raffle and auction, one item being a brand new Scotty digital electric downrigger with 60" boom. We would like to have some indication of how many members are coming and ask that you contact Gary McConaghy by phone at 206-354-0877 or by email at: and let him know you will be coming and how many. Our next general meeting will be the 4th Wednesday in September.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Open House and Kid's Fishing Pond June 1st & 2nd

Our annual Open House and Kid's fishing pond is next weekend and wanted to remind you all to bring your kids, grandkids, neighborhood kids for some fun. We would like to solicite your help volunteering for a few hours during the weekend as well. The Open House is from 10:00 to 4:00 and we need help with the following:
   Set up before the event starts on Saturday morning
   Help around the fish pond with helping kids with poles, baiting and cleaning
   Making and serving popcorn
   Hatchery tours and answering questions
   Feeding the fish in the pond (although Wiz is always a trooper when it come to this)

Please call me (206)-354-0877 or email Gary McConaghy with times you would like to be there. We especially need help on Sunday

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March 27, 2013 General Meeting

The Edmonds Salmon Chapter of Trout Unlimited is happy to announce that our speaker or this month will be Loren Elliott, a fly fishing guide based in Northern California, who moved to Seattle to attend college, where he recently graduated from Seattle University. While here he has been fishing the shores of Puget Sound, successfully adapting his techniques for our area. Loren will share his strategies for this fishery, as well as some of his fishing and water related photography that he is equally adept at. The meeting will start at 7:00 PM at the Edmonds Senior Center, 220 Railroad Ave., Edmonds, WA 98020. We will also have Pizza and refreshments as well as raffle so please plan to attend this great event.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Changes to Yearly Meeting & Event schedule

The Board of Directors, in our attempt to make the meetings more compelling and interesting for the members, have decided to make the following changes to our meeting schedule. We will have general meetings essentially quarterly (March 27th, June 26th, Sept 25th and Nov. 20th). Our big special events will be the Open House and Kids Fishing Pond as part of the Edmonds Waterfront Festival (June 1st & 2nd this year) and our annual Banquet and Auction will be on August 7th. We hope that this advance notice will help everyone to plan to attend these events. At each of the General Meetings we will have a good speaker that will address the needs or issues of that particular season, provide pizza for dinner and a great raffle.
The Hatchery is off to a great start this year and we can always use help with hosting school students who come to the hatchery to learn about salmon for field trips, feeding the fish that are being moved to the pond this weekend or working at the Open House in June. Contact Walter Thompson at 425-774-3903 or email him at

Monday, January 21, 2013

No General Meeting Wednesday January 23rd

This post to inform everyone that we will not be having our General Meeting this Wednesday January 23rd. 2013. Several events prevented the speakers that we had planned from being able to participate this month and we didn't want to have a meeting without a compelling speaker. We will have a good speaker for the the 4th Wednesday in February, the 28th and will be bringing in Pizza for everyone to enjoy so plan on attending that meeting. At that time we will also outline the meetings for the rest of year and other activities.
As far as the Hatchery is concerned, we got our eggs in December and they are progressing nicely. There will be an announcement regarding the net pen installation within the next couple of weeks for those interested in helping to launch and participate in the feeding schedule.