The Edmonds Salmon Chapter Trout
Unlimited will be celebrating their annual Open House at the Willow Creek Fish Hatchery in conjunction with the Edmonds Waterfront
Festival as well as their 30th Anniversary as a Hatchery. This will occur on Saturday May 30th &
Sunday May 31st 2015 from
10am to 4pm. The hatchery is located at 95 Pine Street in Edmonds (NW corner of
Pine Street and Hwy 104)
There will be shuttle
busses from the Waterfront Festival that will drop off and pickup people at the
entrance to the Festival from 11am to 3pm on Saturday and Sunday. Last
bus from the Hatchery is at 4pm.
annual open house is for the whole family. Free trout fishing for kids 12
and under. The Edmonds Salmon Chapter members
will clean the fish. Free coffee, popcorn, juice,
and cookies will be available. Tours of the fish hatchery will be
available. A special attraction this year is an in-hatchery simulation of the
salmon in a stream bed and how they interact with the flowing current. Bring the family to the Willow
Creek Fish Hatchery and see why the Edmonds Salmon Chapter has
been awarded numerous Washington State Trout
Unlimited Aquatic Education Awards.
Willow Creek Hatchery was originally constructed in 1985 by a handful of
dedicated fishermen who wanted to help with salmon enhancement in the north
Puget Sound and to provide Aquatic Education to school children. In the 30
years since, over 10,000 students have learned about salmon and the importance
of stream habitat from field trips to the hatchery.
more information contact Trout Unlimited at the Willow Creek Fish
Hatchery 425.771 5970 or contact Gary McConaghy 206-354-0877