Our presentation for the General meeting on April 22, 2015
will by Kip Killabrew. Kip has worked for 27 years with the Stillaguamish Tribe
as their enhancement biologist overseeing the tribes’ conservation hatchery
programs. He has previously worked with the WDFW, NOAA and the University of
Washington. He is going to discuss the Past, Present and Future of the Stillaguamish
River shed. He is a sought after expert on this area and his talks are always
very entertaining and informative. We hope you will be able to attend this
meeting at the Edmonds Senior Center on the Edmonds Waterfront at 7:00 PM
In addition to the presentation we will have some great
raffle items and also discuss the upcoming Open House and Kid’s Fishing Pond at
the Willow Creek Hatchery that occurs May 30 & 31, 2015.