Our next meeting will be Wendesday November 28th at 7:00 PM at the Edmonds Senior Center, 220 Railroad Ave (two blocks south of the Edmonds Ferry Dock). Our special guest speaker this month will be Tom O'Haus who is the owner/operator of Angling Unlimited in Sitka, Alaska. Tom is from the Northwest (Tom O'Haus info link) and has a great deal of information to present about various fishing methods and his current work in Sitka. It should be a very informative and fun discussion.
We will also be having a Board Meeting before the general meeting, starting at 6:00 pm if you have anything to discuss with your Board of Directors. We will also be having elections for the Board for 2013. If you are interested in serving on the Board, please contact one of the current board members ahead of the meeting and we will also be taking nominations from the floor. You must be a current TU member to serve on the board.