Thursday, May 24, 2012


We are in need of volunteers to help with the Open House the weekend of June 2nd & 3rd. We will need people to help with the kids fishing, fish cleaning, general information, hatchery tours etc. If you are able we would like to hear from you. Sign up for either day and choose a morning (10-1:00) or afternoon (1:00-4:00) and let us know what will work for you. Email back to: or call Gary McConaghy @ 206-354-0877.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Work Party this Saturday May 19th

We moved the scheduled work party at the Hatchery to this Saturday May 19th. Breakfast will be served at 8:00 am and the work party will start as soon as everyone is fed. It will probably last a couple hours but if you don't have that much time to spend, whatever you can do would be appreciated. This is the work party to get the grounds and hatchery ready for our Annual Open House and Kid's fishing pond that is part of the Edmonds Waterfront Festival the weekend of June 2nd and 3rd. We are also in need of volunteers to help out during the two open house days from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. If you are able to lend us a hand please send an email to: and let us know what time periods you would be able to help out (Saturday 10-1 or 1-4 or Sunday 10-1 or 1-5). Any questions contact Gary McConaghy @ 206-354-0877
We had a beautiful morning on May 5th to do our first Coho out-planting for 2012 into Swamp Creek on John Solberg's property. This is an annual event that enlists the help of over 300 elementary students and their parents to move the fish from the mobile tank to Swamp Creek. We want to thank everyone for their participation again this year and we know the fish appreciate it as well.
Netting the Fry and loading into Mobile Tank
Loading the fry into buckets for the kids to take to the creek
Everyone waiting their turn

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Mr & Mrs. Aaron Williams

This is a picture of the newlyweds Tiffany(Haldeman) and Aaron Williams.They met at the Hatchery during the waterfront festival four years ago while volunteering. They had known each other from other hatchery events but started dating four years ago. They were married March 31, 2012.
Congratulations to Tiffany and Aaron. 

Saturday May 12th workparty moved to May 19th

The planned Saturday work party on May 12th has been moved to May 19th because we will be outplanting fish at John Sohlbergs property with all the children participating on the 12th. We hope as many of you as possible will be able to help out on the 19th because that will be the final clean-up before the Open House the weekend of June 2nd & 3rd. We will again serve breakfast at 8:00 and get started with the workparty as soon as everyone is fed or at least has a cup of coffee.