Wednesday, October 28, 2009

General Meeting Tonight October 28th

Don't forget the general meeting tonight at the South Snohomish Senior Center at 7:00 PM. We will have two speakers, to talk about smoking and preserving fish and the other is our local WDFW officer for everyone to meet and greet and get his take on what is happening on the local waters that is of concern to the Dept of Fisheries. As usual we will also have another great raffle.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Willow Creek bank reconstruction 10/4/2009

A recent early fall rainstorm caused some of the logs that were reinforcing the east bank of Willow Creek to become dislodged. Several volunteers worked to move the logs back into position, reinforce with stainless steel cables and a bunch of heavy rocks. The work should help to keep the stream in it's banks during the upcoming rainy season we always get in the late fall and early winter.